By - JO -
The only one which may need explanation is the third down on the right side of the map : the dragon seems in a powerful attitude, so I guessed "defending territory" ?
Yup, you guessed right. The third one on the right is supposed to be watching/defend the inner lands (watching both sides of the high central mountains where there are the spiny peaks). The fourth (that I just added) is about the same but on the borders, using the forts.
To make it more easy to understand, I think I'll place "Land of the hatchlings (for example) under the coat of arms, with the same colour gem than the corresponding vignette on the side.

About the forts, the one in the middle that is not close to the river will be either close to a new river or upon a plateau above the forest, I think.

Not much land done today. Some tests about the bottom frame.
### Latest WIP ###