Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
I lack the culture to see with what the citie's names are related, but I sure have enough taste to see how beautiful your map is !
An enchantment... which is the point, I guess ;D !
I'll save some compliment for the fina version, but I already love your map !!!!
Thanks so much, Jo ! Your encouragements always motivate me !!

Quote Originally Posted by Marc Moureau View Post
Well, you know all the good I think of your work, so I'll try to keep it simple this time...

This is honey for the eyes !
Hehe, thanks Marc ! Thanks to you, Arlys finally discovered its unique resource and reason to be proud : the wonderful gholney

Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Oh, wow. What a cool idea for the star chart for the ocean... Now I want to steal that!

Yeah, of course it's as brilliant as your work always is. It's maybe a bit crowded in some areas, but that is how it is when you are working with a landshape someone else has drawn - you just try to make the best of it.
Haha, thanks Kell' ! I made sure to keep the sea dark enough, just for you ! ^_^
And for how busy some area are... horror vacui, dear friends ! Always and forever.

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Absolutely breathtaking !

To help a bit, "Terra Innominata" (j'aime !) is actually "Empire of the Dead Sun".
Aaah, just in time for the final version of the map. Thanks so much for the help and kind words, Thomas ! ^^

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Well, where to even start with this...!

There aren't enough words of praise to describe how beautiful this map is, Beee. It's simply wonderful. I know this is the least of things, but I'm absolutely in love with the pearlescent effect on the domes and some of the windows. It's stunning. Like the whole map.
Thanks so, so much, ChickPea !!
And actually... I'm especially happy you mention the domes' light as it's weirdly one of the things I'm the most proud of ? Sometimes, it's just about the smallest things ^^

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Wonderful work, Beee.
There's so much to love in there. The embedded shapes in Manus are a nice touch.
As are all those gold accents throughout. They go so well with the starry splendors of this Verne-ish sci-fantasy adventure.
The stellar cartography is a great addition to an already fine map, and a wonderful expansion of the wonders of Guildworld.

Oh, phantoms and missing things... things of legend and myth.
Hehe, you always understand me well, J. ! Phantoms, indeed !
It was fun to let this map decide the directions : the Lady was the beginning, the Gold and stars then became the unifying thread. It's good to let things just... be ? ^^

Quote Originally Posted by Wingshaw View Post
This is fantastic, Misty! Not surprising to see such skill from you, of course, but still a pleasure

I am wondering which city that is that you have shown? Is it the capital?

Seeing this also makes me feel guilty at having made no progress on the National Fairy Republic map

Thanks Wingshaw !
You don't have to feel guilty. The time will come for the NFR, as it came for Arlys. I'm happy I waited for it, as I know I wouldn't have been able to make it look like this 3 years ago ^^
Which city... aaaah, good question. Good question, indeed ! Will you be angry if I keep some kind of mystery about it ? ^^


I'm proud to say the final version is done. The Finished Map thread is here but I obviously have to post it here as well.

### Latest WIP ###

@Redrobes : I have the Alpha version of the map for you. Let me know how/where to send it ! ^^