So, something went wonky in my original build for this and the file kept crashing when I tried to work on it. Thus, a slight reboot. Making progress just not quite as fast as I would like.

Adapted about 50 of the mountains from KM Alexander's Widman set to use for this map and am fairly happy with them. Not sure if I am as happy with the forest though. My feeling is that it may be a bit too crowded, but only have a small sample area. Will have to look again when I have a larger sample.

Its gonna be a bit iffy as to whether or not I get this as done as I would like, but I think I will be okay as far as the base map goes. Should manage at least some labeling, but don't think I am going to have enough time to get the fancy stuff in.

### Latest WIP ###
GW Jan Challenge WIP 002.jpg