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Thread: Koreth, or Me Being Overly Ambitious

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiluchi View Post
    This is fantastic! I'm jealous of that height map, I've been feeling like I need to get into Wilbur and these other tools for my own work, but honestly I lack both the processing power and technological know-how at the moment. I really like the idea of Messinian Salinity Crisis-like event- it allows for lots of worldbuilding possibilities.

    If I had one critique it would be that it's still somewhat obvious in places where coastlines and elevations were cribbed from Earth (i.e. Nova Scotia, Britain, Greece, Sicily complete with Mount Etna, what looks like the Caucasus). That's only in some places though, so it could probably be disguised with a bit more messing around.
    Nice catch on the Nova Scotia! And yeah, there are some places that are going to be a bit obvious to the geographically inclined, but that was actually kind of my goal. I wanted to keep things similar to Earth but change them just enough to fool the average person, that way terrain and climate would be fairly easy.

  2. #22


    A new update. Now with rivers. Almost all of the main "not-afroeurasia" area is done, which is a relief. Here is a plain topological map with rivers. I haven't added anything to the map key box yet. The middle horizontal line is the equator, and the upper and lower are 30 degrees N and S, respectively. The whole map is about 14000km across at the equator.
    Last edited by shadixdarkkon; 10-19-2020 at 05:05 PM.

  3. #23


    Well, I did a big stupid and accidentally lost what in total amounts to about 8 hours of work, so that feels pretty bad. On the other hand I'm feeling really good about the maps that I was able to put together from the stuff I saved.

  4. #24
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    Russia. Россия


    Looks cool!

  5. #25
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Flanders, Belgium


    This is more than just cool. This is an amazing piece of work! Can't tell you why I hadn't stumbled on it before, but now that I have, I will follow it closely. Keep up the good work Shad!
    Caenwyr Cartography

    Check out my portfolio!

  6. #26



    Well, the terrain is finally (mostly) finished. I had to shrink the map down from its original 40k x 20k resolution, but here is Koreth with the poles. Robinson projection.
    I still need to do a lot of rivers and finish the terrain for my Australia analogue. I would appreciate feedback!

  7. #27


    Looks really awesome!

  8. #28
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Yes looking very good, but I have a question ... how you manage to import a 40 k image in programs and tools like Wilbur?

  9. #29


    I actually don't use Wilbur for the big map, I cut out each continent and put it through, or even individual drainage basins. But I also just have a beefy computer with a good chunk of RAM, so that helps. Even then though, I can sometimes be waiting for 20 minutes to an hour for Wilbur to do its thing. I also just take a lot of care to make sure my drainage basins are already in pretty good shape so I don't have to do much with Wilbur.

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