Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Well, I find it highly interesting that you want to go away from lineart. Still, I commend you for taking up the challenge.
Long overdue. I was afraid to try it for the longest while lol.

Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
One thing I'll start with, I feel the shadows are kind of odd so far. The thing with it that stands out the most is the brightish line right next to the wall shadows.
This was more of a graphic design choice as the solid colour wall didn't have a good enough contrast with the shadows. I'll do away with it as I shouldn't need it, if I detail the wall more and add darker core shadows as you suggest.

Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Pick your light sources and then start deciding where light will hit or not hit.

If you have any questions on what I am on about, please feel free to ask
I'll add the torches and properly decide where the light will hit and work from there, no doubt I will have some questions thanks