This is a GM's map, not intended to be suitable for vtt use or to be printed for use with miniatures. I may try to do such work later, but I won't have time during the challenge. I have the levels for the tower and the tree mapped out (except for the spiral stairs inside the tower... can anyone point me to a tutorial for monochrome curved stairs?), while I still need to draw the side view and an island overview, then assemble all the pieces into a single document.

### Latest WIP ###

The tower:

Tower level 1.pngTower level 2.pngTower level 3.png

Key: a = museum of invention, b = laboratory assistant's bedroom, c = bathroom (& I see it needs a second door), d = office, e = master bedroom, f = laboratory w/central charge collector

The tree:
Tree level 1.pngTree level 2.pngTree level 3.pngTree level 4.pngTree level 5.png

Key: 1 = outhouse, with straight drop to island floor beneath, 2 = large hammock, 3 = hatch to access hanging fairy cage, 4 = magnetic lifter, 5 = armory, 6 = parts storage, 7 = workshop, 8 = moon tracker, 9 = rec hall, 10 a = kitchen b = dining room, 11 = store room, 12 = dirigible mooring, 13 = crow's nest defense post with heavy lightning gun on track for full circle defense; hatch over ladderway down. Circular structures are small huts used as personal residence.