Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
Not really. He may not even be available in your timeframe, and is exactly the style you want! Whenever someone shows up with a guild artist's work as an example of what they like, we tend to recommend you contact them first.

That said, apart from myself, I do have another recommendation. I recommend Josiah of Blackhawk Cartography for the style you want. https://www.blackhawkcartography.com/ Style's right on the nose.
I think I misstated, slightly. I feel like I'd be bait-and-switching the people who've reached out to me already if I just reached out to someone else. It's one of the quirks about my personality, where once I put up a commission submission, unless I don't find anyone who fits my requirements, I don't look outside the list of people who applied. But your point about contacting the guild artist in question is well-taken. As I said in my request, this is my first map request, and the first one on this forum, so I definitely have a lot to learn.

Also, Josiah is definitely the style I was looking for! I'm fortunate that I have had several cartographers reach out to me already in appropriate styles.

...Might I add that I had no idea how much I should be looking at for maps? The only time I looked at it before, I contacted Thomas Rey, and I was ignorant enough that when he asked for size, I said an A2, which is huge. The price for something like that was out of my reach at the time, so... yeah. I'm blundering along, figuring things out.