I enjoy the portraits as much as everyone else, but, imho, it is the descriptive backstory that goes along with them that really seals the deal.

For instance, in the description above--I envisioned the city of Laradell to be sort of a mobile treetop city; it's best defense is that it's never in the same place for any length of time.

12rounds's description of these Guardians of Laradell (for a lack of a more appropriate term) expands perfectly on this theme, as they can act both as scouts and defenders; finding a new location, securing it, and routing would-be intruders around around it, be it by stealth and deception or outright violence, if need be. I'd think these guys would have plenty of practice at being the source of the "things that go bump in the night," convincing people to leave the area and not return without ever making themselves known.

There's great inspiration here, as well as an abundance of artistic talent. Thank you, 12rounds!