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Thread: Watercolor continent map of Artera

  1. #1

    Map Watercolor continent map of Artera

    My first continent map commission for a D&D game. The continent of Artera.


  2. #2


    This is really cool map, only thing that is kinda off for me are the mountain ranges, maybe next time add a little bit of grey to the base of mountains and dont be affraid to spill it into the green area, the border between white mountain and green land is kinda hard edge for me

    But over all i really like it, good job

  3. #3


    Thank you for the feedback, I'll try to blend next time!

  4. #4


    I like the shape and the watercolour look. I agree that the mountains could use a glaze of colour. I would use a greenish grey in the grassy areas, the sandy areas look fine. Unless you gave away the original already, in which case maybe next time, cause this is a nice look overall, and hopefully you'll develop it further.


  5. #5
    Guild Adept KaiAeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    South Africa


    It looks really good. The advice about shading the base of the mountains is good advice. Snow covered mountains seem to have a grey/blue tint to them - at least that's from what I have seen.

    Technical questions: Do you get the water so smooth? Also do you make use of masking fluid?
    View my website and Instagram

  6. #6


    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, my colors don't seem to blend well, same goes for glazing, so I mostly use pure color options that I have. Maybe I just need to practice more, but my paints don't blend like what I've seen in the watercolor lessons online.

    I don't use any masking fluid. About the water, I don't know, I just use a lot of water to keep it from drying too soon, and work really fast I also do some retouching after to fix little mistakes and edges I don't like, in Photoshop.

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