"This was the early days of the great nation of Gungnerhafn, were Gods roamed the lands and our strong men and women took to longships to raid along foreign coasts. Till had just returned from a bountiful trip to the south, his longships filled with richs fabrics and golden coins. As his men carried the treasure to the chieftains longhouse, he himself walked among the people of his village, shaking hands and recieving congratulations on a raid well done. He used this time to catch up on what had passed in the month he and his raiding crew had been away, being the great leader as his name suggested.

When evening came about a feast for the whole village was held in the chieftains house, boar and deer roasting on spits above the firepits, mead flowing freely. Song and merriment as the treasures were divided amongs the men of the raid, enriching every familiy in the village."

Halfdan paused in his telling to drink from his mug, looking at the gleaming eyes of his audience. Some knew the tale, some heard it for the first time. But he knew that his retellling was always popular.

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