Quote Originally Posted by damonjynx View Post
Further to the comments re sizing, I'm doing maps in CC3+ now and unless it's a commission, I usually work on a printed output size of A1, which is good size for TTRPG or as a poster, so the map size in cc3+ is whatever the grid size is, 5 or 10 ft for dungeon/battlemaps, 20 to 30ft for city maps and generally 20 or 30 miles for overland maps, multiplied by 33 x 22. By doing this the map will print on both A1 and ANSI D paper. I do this because being in a country that uses ISO paper sizes, it makes it easy to print any size from A0 down to A6 as they scall uniformly, A1 is exactly half an A0, A2 half an A1 and so on.
Thank you. That is useful information. It is always hard to pick a good canvas size, but doing it A1 does give some leniency. Also thanks for the city to overland distances. Much appreciated.