Thanks Illanthar! I just completed everything for my first update so here it is! The way I plan to advance here is to reveal a bit of the story each time. Accompanying the updates will be a smaller map that is somehow significant to the update at hand and may give hints at what is to come (we will see how/if the hints actual pay out though. Things seem to change rather fast in my head ).

General gist and placement: After going through all of the guildworld countries I have decided that the Hundred Celestial cities (24 - Diamond) will be my primary location with a deviation out to the Khilang-Thale (10 - Tom). Argunu, the small village outline below, is near the border to these two countries, located just outside the city of Kai. I have attached a brief sketch of how the main map will turn out but expect a lot to change and a lot of planning to occur before the next update (it could be a while - I hope not though)!

Final note: I wish I had taken a tiny bit more time to draw the Argunu Estate... those houses were supposed to look like the Japanese castles (very low scale) sort of thing but instead look like red spiderwebs. Not going to repeat that style!


“I remember when young Arimel was born. The Argunu family held a feast for a week celebrating the birth with the whole town – it must have cost a fortune. Elder* Akimasa was overjoyed to finally have an heir to bring the Argunu name back to the greatness it once held. I always thought he was a bit strange though, choosing a foreigner’s name for his heir but that was the Argunu family, always full of ideals and principles. It never seemed to get them where they wished.”
Elder Jalni Kai
* He did not become an elder until three years before Arimel’s passing, inheriting the title from his father as is custom.

“Although the Kai and Kimilo Families had larger and more extravagant gardens, I always enjoyed tending that of the Argunu Family. It always seemed so homely, particularly when Arimel was causing his normal chaos. The mess he used to make of the bonsais and Akimasa yelling for him to get back to his studies… Who could have known?”
Gardener Goro Munkunu

“Was he always destined for that path? No. Akimasa and I had hoped he would bring the Argunu name back into the center of the Celestial cities. Trade. Politics. War if needed. Those were meant to be his tools. He was to draw on the heritage of all the cities to create anew the empire. That was the true meaning and intent of his name. He could have been so much more had he not spurned his family name.”
Elder Chilo Arguna

Argunu Estate.jpg

### Latest WIP ###
WIP 1.jpg