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Thread: Heyo

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Blog Entries

    Default Heyo


    I just discovered this place after seeing a map by Caenwyr on Reddit that knocked my socks right off. I had a look around and was floored by all the talent hidden in this small corner of the internet. Anyway, I have always loved fantasy and the idea of having my own little fantasy world to escape to; And I guess now I love the idea of making maps. A nice match I think.

    When I saw that map and became a thirsty boi for fictional lands, I tried to quickly give it a go myself with a brush pen and Sharpies. I don't know why, but now I am very much attached to it and am going to keep working on it. I'm really excited to start posting progress pictures and see what people around here think.


    P.S. Yeah that is really what I named it...

  2. #2


    Hey, welcome to the Guild, I'm glad you decided to join us! There are definitely a lot of very talented cartographer's floating around here; all very helpful in sharing tips on their craft as well so don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions.

    Kudos on sharing one of your maps with us right away too! Looks like you're off to a good start. Nothing wrong with a simple name, especially if you're just doodling and having fun . Be sure to check out the tutorial section as well if you want any help on how to draw things for your map.

    I look forward to seeing you around!
    - Josh

  3. #3

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