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Thread: Argos Colony Starship Deck Plan

  1. #1

    Default Argos Colony Starship Deck Plan

    My gosh it's been so long since I posted a WIP map here, years, I think.

    Okay, just beginning the deck plan for the Argos generational colony starship of super colossal scale (396 miles long, 500 trillion displacement tons). Since I cannot place 10,000 tenth inch bays and still make it both readable and understandable, at this scale, I am limited to creating humungous bays to accommodate massive foundries, ore processors, refineries, etc, which I have yet to do, but have placed the bays for them - in the second section fore of the torus. In that first section fore of the torus, is the massive hanger bay for this ship. Already placed are 500 Colonist Transport ships each 800 feet long, each capable of taking 100 colonists down to the planet, so 50,000 could be taken down to a planet in one sortie. Those blue specks on the lower right corner of the hanger bay are those 500 ships. On the top center is 12 Landers, huge, 2000 ft wide massive drop pods - these are fitted for equipment and pod structures for erecting mining facilities. I plan to fill the rest of the hanger with gargantuan and colossal ships. Once I get to the foundries and factories section, I'll be creating massive equipment, structures, conduits, etc. in each one. That fore part of the ship, the narrower point area is the main ship operations: bridge, computer, sensor array, comms, fire control, shields, etc.

    Running down the center is a looping track which take passengers on high speed vaccuum trains that travel up to 200 mph, to stations along the way - the hanger, the industrial zones, the ship operations bays and bridge. Then on the other end to engineering.

    Oh, using a concrete tile pattern that closely resembles a hex grid as the deck material, and even using it like a regional hex, to give you a sense of scale - each "hex" is 5 miles across.

    I see at least another day if not two to complete this massive deck plan... first image is the side view illustration, then the WIP map...


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    Oh, someone pointed me to SpinCalc, and I discovered that with 96 miles of radius in that torus structure, to achieve 1 G of centrifugal spin force, it rotates at .076 rpm (13.5 minutes for one rotation), but the outer edge of the ring is still moving at 2753.4 mph!!!

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice -K2-'s Avatar
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    Looks like an ambitious project. Hope all goes well with it and it's a fun endeavor for you!


  4. #4


    I'll be getting back to the deck plan. I just did a 3D render - a mediocre attempt, I think, but I've always failed before, so I can settle for it, for now. This is the interior of the torus habitat ring.


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  5. #5


    Calling this the final render version of the torus section for Argos colony ship, for the Planet Builder project. I didn't solve all my scaling issues, but atmospherically and the wall texture are huge improvements. The cloud I created as a separate 3D image that I cut/pasted into the sky, but I think it works. I also added some agriculture field textures in some of the distant views, post-render. It works for my needs. Enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Nice, I like it and I think the cloud works pretty well and the wall texture looks good. The house with a pitched roof with a chimney seems a bit redundant in that kind of environment. Maybe its a quaint throwback to "retro" earth look house.

  7. #7


    Finally mapped the torus of the Argos Generational Colony Starship. I created 6 lengths of 1:10 ratio maps depicted the entire circumfrerence of the habitat ring. The circular cities are 50 - 60K, set equidistantly apart, 4 of them have vertical elevators leading to the spokes and the hub of torus, and where all major life support manufacturing occurs. Other communities are 10 - 25K are interspersed between. Hills, forests, lakes and rivers, as well as agricultural fields fill between the communities. All roads currently run north, as the aft side of the torus in relation to the ship contain both passenger and freight trains, inside the walls... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  8. #8
    Professional Artist Tiana's Avatar
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    That's pretty intense.

    Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels.
    No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
    Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!

  9. #9


    Thanks, Tiana!

    Did an update of the torus area map.

    First of all the larger round cities are just one city map I did for another project, used again and repeated on this map. Running through the center of the city map is a small river - rather than have it end on either side of the city, I thought I needed to continue them to a source (usually just in the wall somewhere water is input into the river), and either going to a wall (as if going underground), merging with another river or emptying into a lake with a drain.

    I also added about 50% extra agriculture fields, I thought it needed more food sources.

    I created a highway running through the entire torus passing by the major and minor cities, cutting though fields and forests. Note: by scale the roads are way too wide, but this isn't supposed to be an aerial photo (though it may have some of that quality), it's a map.

    I then created one, two, and three square towns, made them tiny, and placed them along the highway as smaller population centers (1000, 5000, 10,000 perhaps).

    Finally, I decided to create one unique "geology" aspect to each slice to give some local uniqueness to set the otherwise identical cities apart, probably used in as part of the city name. Mount such-n-such... I created an upland with a waterfall into the lake on the top one, a trio of roundtop mountains on the second, the third one at the large city sits on a hill above the surrounding terrain, the fourth slice features a high mountain going into the wall, the fifth one has a butte, desert feature, and the last one smaller red mountain. I'm calling this the last update version!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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