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Thread: A little greeting

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Paritegic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default A little greeting

    Hi everyone!

    I'm Paritegic, Pax for short, here because I keep coming back round and round to maps and wanting to make my own. I keep seeing gorgeous maps, and I love exploring the different styles and how they become genuine art forms with the choices and layouts and perspectives and colours, not just the information that they convey.
    I've got multiple fantasy and real life maps up around my room, Figured I might as well try and make my own! I have some ideas, and would like to do my own variations on game maps that I love, and perhaps my own version of the Europe map for me to mark where I've travelled across.
    But we shall see where we end up, I'm mostly here to explore the gorgeous maps created and perhaps bookmark a couple of the tutorials and explore.

  2. #2

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