Thanks Tiluchi. I am very pleased to hear such words from experts in tectonics. You have asked very good questions.

I'm curious about the formation of the Internal Sea (if my Google Translate is correct), given that the inlet is directly in the middle of a continental orogeny- something similar to the creation of the Black Sea, with the collision of a few different microcontinents and back-arc basins?
Yes, this is the Inner Sea or the Middle Sea, Inland Sea too. To be honest, I myself do not fully understand how exactly this sea appeared. This is one of the many objects that just exist and now I'm trying to fit the rest of the processes so that nothing breaks, but remains logical.
I took the Mediterranean and Black Sea as a basis. But the middle sea is not very suitable(in modern day), because it is, in fact, the closing ocean of the Tetis.
In my case, the Inland Sea is actually located behind the main orogeny.
In my original concept, the Inland Sea was larger and flooded the vast lowlands to the west.
I love the thought of micro plates. This would explain well the thickness of the Tanat orogeny and the Naratar orogeny. The break that connected the Inland Sea and the ocean could have resulted from the shift of these micro-plates or their compression under the powerful pressure of the northern and southern plates.
For a while I thought about the glacier that breached. But this is too far from the last maximum glaciation and looks unlikely.
Although it is possible that the inland sea actually appeared originally as a closed freshwater lake fed by mountain rivers. But this still weakly explains the breakthrough of the isthmus in the center of the thick mountain range.

A tiny suggestion (assuming it's not too far along in the process) might be to add an aulacogen or two around the rift occurring in the southwest, given that rifting tends to happen along triple junctions at about 120º angles.
I have an idea to launch the aquologen directly above the Artarden sign in the direction of Kallikhar. Maybe a little earlier at the Skogsongai bend. Perhaps a small aquologen should be somewhere to the west in an unnamed land beyond the lakes. For now, I call this region Artarden Minoris.
According to my assumptions, in a few million years, Artarden Minoris will also split off, like Artarden Majoris, from the Hornhord continent (a large southern continent)

I also might add some island arcs around the subductive margins of the Centimora (?) Plate in the Southeast, similar to the Philippine Sea Plate on Earth.
Yes. IPA [santimora] - the Bygone Shores or the Drowned Shores. You are absolutely right. I am just finishing preparatory work before pushing out the volcanic islands.
wow this is probably the biggest post I've written in 10 years at the guild.