Hello everybody,
this is my first map I created in CC3+ ever
I've bought the software about 10y ago and never used it until a year ago, when the pandemic started and our DnD group started playing on roll20.
What I remember was I didn't got the layer system of the software and messed it up a bit.... okay a lot professionally speaking.
It was an impromptu campaign I've designed on this map as our group paused our "big campaign" we've been playing for some years.
So I took a leap, created this very basic map and my friends enjoyed my war driven campaign, where Orcs invaded the lands and the group needed to find some seals to gain victory over a champion of Tharizdun. (In Roll20 I've just placed some fires on the towns to visualise burnt villages)
Here are some translations of the locations from left to right and up to down:
Holzdorf=Lumber Village
Wiesenschoen=Beauty Meadows
Blitzstrom=Lightning River
Nordpracht=Northern Pride
Fruehstadt=Early City
Schoensee=Beauty Lake
Querfeld=Cross Fields
Sturmfelde=Storm Fields
Trutzberg=Defence Mountain
Tiefsee=Deep Sea
Seehof=Sea Court
Now, as a side effect the fabric of time and space has been tored apart and an entrance to hell was opened.
While the dwarves and humans are trying to investigate how to seal the entrance to hell again, they let the adventurers go through as they were eager doing so.
Two hourglasses were created to keep track of time. One for the party and one for the others to watch over. The party has 14 days to complete their journey and mission in hell, otherwise they will be trapped in hell.
On a sidenote, everything even main campaign is and was not based on any DnD lore - maybe beside the gods and races.
The group wanted an encore and I recreated hell with Doom '93+'94 figures in mind:
So except the pistol+shotgun grunts, I've created tokens with Pinky Demons, Lost Souls, Imps, Cacodemons and so on and designed some badass powers for them. When trying to charm them all the demons are immune and have a feat named "Wrong Attitude!" where the caster gets psychic dmg and disadvantage on his/her next saving throw. Or Pinkys enrage when they get feared and make more damage. Lost Souls explode on death dealing force+fire damage. Rahovarts can summon Lost Souls and releasing two of them on death. Archviles can reanimate (recharge4+) corpses to full life. And Revenants are lurkers with two recharge attacks. Still designing the endboss, Astarot, a gargantuan demon.
Attachment 130163
What you see here is the overview of a shard of a planar existence, taken over by the demon Astarot and his hordes. And on the upper right corner are the ingame days.
And what the party does not know yet, that these devilish fiends once mated humans and therefore created the tieflings as "breeding animal" to farm them for their souls, creating precious astral diamonds.
What will the party do?
Just vanquish the overlord and keep all the broken tieflings to their misery in this domain?
Or will they have compassion trying to help them flee to their own, prosperous world?
Here are the translated names of the "villages":
Tieflava: Deep Lava
Teufelsenge: Poky Devil
Sündenpfuhl: Gomorrah (fig), Hotbed of Sin
Rauchende Ecke: Smoking Edge
Schwefelbruch: Sulfur Quarry
Höhlenpass: Cavern Pass
Last edited by Soulprayer; 06-15-2021 at 02:21 PM.