This was my entry for 'Mapping Challenge - April 2021 "Cyberpunk 2021" '

Idea/Background: A digitized world needs electronics and therefore special resources. A big deposit of the 5 most needed resources was found in the Ahaggar mountains (in Sahara). A big mining corporation has established a plant for mining those and an electronic factory was built nearby. Although own security services were based at the plant, they were not able to protect all of the facilities, because local (cyberpunkish-)tribes are attacking often. The worlds biggest private security company (SeCorp) was hired to protect the site and recently built a big camp in the region. A special place near the mountains is the zone, where almost 50 airplanes crashed in 2020, because of a concerted hacking attack.

The map itself should represent sort of a short display introduction for new SeCorp soldiers.

Software and data: The background map was made with QGIS 3.10, using a shaded relief map of the region from Everything else was made with Photoshop 9.
