Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Hiya! Sounds like you have a good basis to build on! Do check out the tutorial section if you haven't already, there are plenty of great resources there to look through. What kind of game are you developing, just out of curiosity?

In any case, welcome to the Guild! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Currently is seem s to be the typical Games Studio response of "A fantasy roleplay RPG"; without stepping outside the NDA for our studio; I can tell you that although based in the WOC IP of AD&D our game will be dealing solely with the "Outer Planes" and non terra based areas of play.

One of our concept art direction right now is to create and develop maps and maps and art pieces for a "Curio Shop" that is famous in the game city for having "The map you never knew you needed".

In the lore of the game setting the characters are able to buy or pay for viewing everything from hand drawn napkin doodles to full tapestry maps.

It will be interesting to work up some og the different iterations here in the next few months.