Hello RobertWinslow!

Although I'm not an expert with your style of map, I'm nonetheless interested in helping you improve its design. Personally, I liked the very first submission, before you added those terraces to substitute for your mountains. Overall, I believe you've met your client's specification that the map be comfy-looking, vibrant, and adventuresome, but I believe you could add to its effectiveness with a border, a scale, and perhaps a few other embellishments such as a flag or other graphic pertaining to your employer's website "This Used to be About Dungeons." Congratulations on your interest in world-building and try to seek out feedback whenever you can, even when sometimes that feedback can be very elusive. By the way, what software are you using? Just curious. At any rate, I hope I've helped you. Perhaps other members will follow suit and take on an interest in this very fascinating map style. Cheers!
