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Thread: [WIP] World of Aeion

  1. #1

    Wip [WIP] World of Aeion

    I would like to show you a map of the world I am working for some time - Aeion.
    Northern continent is named Elmera while large south eastern continent is Rakheria.

    I made basic height map that I plan to use to produce climate map and proceed from there, as I think that placement of rivers and lakes require at least somewhat working precipitation map.

    I also plan to make some detailed maps for the areas of interest.


    Map of ocean currents:

    That's how it started, bdw:

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    This look like a great start! A very interesting layout, that manages to still look plausible from a geological point of view. Some of the coastlines even look "matched" (the western and eastern continent), like they broke away from each other. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the project .

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    This look like a great start! A very interesting layout, that manages to still look plausible from a geological point of view. Some of the coastlines even look "matched" (the western and eastern continent), like they broke away from each other. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the project .
    Thanks! Yes, I moved the SW continent and edited coastlines to fit Rakheria as it looked rather unrealistic without it.

    Pressure and wind WIPs

    July and January
    World_map_WIPmodified3_july_pressure.jpg World_map_WIPmodified3_januaryy_pressure.jpg

    Precipitation based on Pixie tutorial
    July and January
    World_map_WIPmodified3_july_precip.jpg World_map_WIPmodified3_january_precip.jpg

    The problem I see is the N-S movement of ITCZ leaves large lens shaped area esp on Rakheria that I think should receive a lot of rain in spring and autumn.

    Temperatures based on Azelor tutorial
    July and January
    World_map_WIPmodified3_july_temperature.jpg World_map_WIPmodified3_january_temperature.jpg

    I think there should be colder area around northern polar circle, but it is not obvious from tutorial how it should be placed

    Biomes bases on mbartelsm tutorial. Middle and high latitudes look realistic, but tropical and subtropical areas have some very strange placements.

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Tbh I'm not familiar enough with the colour scheme used in mbartelsm's tutorial to a comment a whole lot, but I agree some things seem a bit off. If I may make a small request, you should produce the Köppen climates as well, they tend to be a bit more "readable" and are probably a better starting point than biomes (given that the temperature and precipitation levels Pixie and Azelor use have been devised with the Köppen climates in mind).

    At least the temperature maps clearly contain some errors, there shouldn't be a transition from ice cap straight to taiga (instead it should be ice cap -> tundra -> taiga).

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    Tbh I'm not familiar enough with the colour scheme used in mbartelsm's tutorial to a comment a whole lot, but I agree some things seem a bit off. If I may make a small request, you should produce the Köppen climates as well, they tend to be a bit more "readable" and are probably a better starting point than biomes (given that the temperature and precipitation levels Pixie and Azelor use have been devised with the Köppen climates in mind).

    At least the temperature maps clearly contain some errors, there shouldn't be a transition from ice cap straight to taiga (instead it should be ice cap -> tundra -> taiga).
    What do you think should I do regarding areas that should be receiving autumn and spring rains as ITCZ moves over them towards most extreme June and January positions?

    In fact there is no ice cap on the north pole - all that grey is polar desert. Azelor's tutorial suggest there should be no actual cold zone in the summer (0-10 degC all the way to 90N) which I think is a problem here. Azelor had the same problem with Antarctica, as he suggest it is colder irl than in the model.
    link to the biome placement tutorial

    I plan to do Koppen climate map, but it will take me a while as those tables are rather complicated.

  6. #6
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    The ITCZ-rainfall should fall over a sufficiently broad area to cover the equator, that is more-or-less what happens on Earth. Alternatively you could fill in those areas afterwards. The extreme high latitudes should certainly be cold (below 0° C in winter). I guess you could have milder temps if you have unglaciated polar areas (the Canadian arctic islands, as an example), but the elevation of the glaciers alone would push temperatures below 0 °C.

    For generating the Köppen climates, all you need is to change your precipitation and temperature maps into a format compatible with one of the scipts available in the tutorial thread, then run the script. I wouldn't recommend manually creating either the biomes or the climates, as its both more practical and more accurate to simply generate them from the temp and precipitation data.

    Here's an example for your world using my latest gimp script. I somewhat modified the temp and precipitation maps in the process of making them compatible with the script (btw, I recommend using .png format when posting these kinds of images, that way you don't get blurred pixels like with .jpg).

    Temperature maps:

    Precipitation maps:


    Note that you often get a number of weird transitions from the script due to the limited amount of data used to generate the climates. There should generally be Aw/As climates surrounding the Af areas (and more Am). Similarly tundra climate (ET) should transition to Cc/Dc -> Cb/Db (the script often produces ET->Db transitions in certain areas). So even these maps require some manual cleanup.
    Last edited by Charerg; 07-31-2021 at 04:07 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    Here's an example for your world using my latest gimp script. I somewhat modified the temp and precipitation maps in the process of making them compatible with the script (btw, I recommend using .png format when posting these kinds of images, that way you don't get blurred pixels like with .jpg).
    Thanks for the link and suggestions! They were very helpful.

    I used your script to generate climate map after I made changes to precipitation maps, mostly adding more rain to the equatorial area.

    climates base.png

    But how could I get from climates to vegetation? I tried to use mbartelsm method on the maps prepared for your script, but the results were... strange. Especially the prevalence of charpal biome that covered about 1/3 of all lands and spanned over very diverse climates - Cfa, Cfb, Bsh, Bsk, Bwh, Bwk and more. As well as steppe/forest patch on the equator.


  8. #8


    I decided to postpone the work on global affairs for now, instead I made a map of the area that interest me the most - The Inner Islands of Elmera - the heartlands of an old Kentran Empire. Now, after 150 years of political struggles and epidemics, the Empire is crumbling. Large areas either broken off or lay waste, while new powers rise. In the north, Most Serene Republic of Zetau is the dominant trade power in the region. In the East, Battomanori dynasty unified Hurkanian tribes and established powerful kingdom. And to the south, raiders from the Torkat Alliance grow more and more secure, crossing the seas in swift xebecks hunting for plunder and people for their bloodthirsty gods.


    And preliminary political map with the major factions.

    Last edited by Archelaos; 09-16-2021 at 11:14 AM.

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