Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
I'm with Arimel, the icebergs in that map immediately caught my eye. Very convincing. I do love Drifthall though, especially how the council circle is slightly below sea level - convenient if you want to do away with a bunch of politicians...
Thanks Diamond
Who doesn't want to rid themselves of politicians ?
Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
I was wondering who did the main map. I did some of the battlemaps.
Thanks Tiana Awesome. I haven't seen all the work that Brent has commissioned for the campaign, but it is looking so good.

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Great work John, the coastline is so detailed!
Thanks Bogie It was probably one of the most involved coastlines I've ever done.
Quote Originally Posted by Dimension Door View Post
Yup, this one goes in my favorites! The colors work really well! And the shading.. It is a really gritty and cold landscape. Love it!
Thanks DD
I often lean toward warmer colors, so this one is a nice change.
Looking back, I should do an alternate Grimnir with some of that Drifthall water and see what that looks like.