Quote Originally Posted by KaiAeon View Post
Great, beautiful maps indeed! I like how you rendered the top-down mountains in Linn's Escape and the waterfalls in the drop map.
Thanks! I'm still struggling with top-down mountains though.

Quote Originally Posted by Yrda View Post
Hey Neyasha, your different map styles are amazing!

I didn't remember that you you are so creative with pencils and stuff.

Greetings from the Weltenbastler community.
Greetings back and thanks so much for your kind words!
Maps were always my core of worldbuilding, but I think the last maps I've shown in the Weltenbastlerforum were poorly drawn Gimp-maps.

Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Great job with the Mapvember Neyasha. Very nice set of maps!
It is really a challenge to keep up with the maps every day.
I participated a few years back and as fun as it was, it was also a bit taxing some days.
I don't think i want to do it again anytime soon
Understandable! I could imagine participating again, but only with more planning beforehand. On some days I spent one hour or more only searching for ideas, which was exhausting and time-consuming.