That was the Feb. 2021 Challenge and it got sixteen entries.
Remaster an Old map of yours.
To redo one of your earlier works with all the techniques you've learned since then, holds a certain satisfaction. Are you bold enough to tackle a piece you've stamped as finished years ago, and breathe new life into it? Or did you make a concept for a map that seemed ambitious at the time but you can finish it now. Fire up your new perspectives and remaster it! But don't be scared to enhance it. You can make is so that the old map was years before A HUGE event that change the face of that area. Maybe a war left scars on a city, or ruins. Or a mysterious earthquake left its mark on the landscape. Or a creeping forest started invading one of your towns.
So, either straight up remaster your old map, or remaster it with time having passed and it changed.
Let's enjoy this challenge and see how techniques has changed.
~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~
My web novels
Instagram handle:
~The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
~ Psalm 19
That was the Feb. 2021 Challenge and it got sixteen entries.
Yeah, I thought so.
A really fun challenge, I have to admit.
~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~
My web novels
Instagram handle:
~The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
~ Psalm 19