And as I am building this into an adventuring scenario as well as a map (well, maps... I'll eventually have to do the surface "false temple" at the very least before I can call this complete), here's the section I've written on possible motivations to go here.

There are many reasons why a group might enter the Hidden Temple. Here are a few ideas for getting started in this locale, some of which require the group to have gained knowledge of the Hidden Temple’s existence, while others do not:

• The group is on the island under other pretexts. A storm is coming, and that old temple is the only hope of shelter.

• A Great Red Ape is being sought as a trophy or a biological specimen, possibly even a live specimen for a menagerie.

• Whether for historical research or as part of an intelligence organization, you are looking to learn more about the Cult of Ylendrid (or doing research on the Cult of Skalgar, with the Hidden Temple as a possible bonus find).

• The group represents a religious institution hostile to the Cult of Ylendrid, come to cleanse the temple of any remaining cult artifacts.

• The group represents the Cult of Ylendrid (possibly by proxy, and possibly unaware of their true patron), looking either to recover cult artifacts or to clear out the compound to allow for reoccupation.

• The group is exploring Waibul and, having found an old temple falling into ruin, will surely want to explore this structure as well.

• The group wishes to harvest Arcane Starcaps for financial profit. Which they are present in various locations around the island, they seem to be increasingly plentiful as one approaches this old temple.

• The group wishes to harvest Arcane Starcaps for scientific research purposes.

• The group wishes to harvest Arcane Starcaps for use in a magical or religious procedure.

• The group wishes to harvest Arcane Starcaps to get stoned out of their minds.

• Rumors of a ruined temple in the jungles of Waibul suggest possible profitable looking of lost temple treasures.

• The group is seeking a safe place to hide from their enemies, and they have learned of a promising location.

• After the group gets free of the wreckage of their dirigible, a half-overgrown temple is the only structure in sight.

• Some enemy/rival headed this way (for any of the above or for other reasons). Did the apes kill them? Did they have a way to get past them, requiring the group to descend into the Hidden Temple?

Of course, motives can be mixed and matched.