Quote Originally Posted by Sthenastia View Post
The Kingdom of Haalthan

This is my first detailed regional map from my universum. I hope you enjoy!

Haalthan ENG + Znak Wodny.png
It's a great map, with tons of impressive detail! Your rivers seem to behave perfectly well too. All in all a gorgeous map to wander around on. All it lacks is a legend explaining the height colours, but I'm sure that can be easily fixed.

A tip for future maps (or maybe an update of this map): have you ever considered adding shaded relief to the terrain? Shouldn't be too difficult since you already have the contour lines: just turn these colours in different levels of grey (black for sea level, white for the tippy tops of the mountains) and pull that through Photoshop's Lighting Effects. I can give a more detailed overview of the process if you're interested. If you go this route though, know that you'll have to blur the end result a fair bit to get rid of the inevitable steps, bit it might still be worth the hassle. Certainly worth the try: if it's underwhelming you know you can just leave it off, and if it does indeed add something you can go and do this for all your future maps too!