I can't reproduce any bugs you are experiencing in the script (ie. "it's working on my end"), and when I apply your fixes it breaks on my side, but this kind of big discrepancy is because I'm using an older version of G'Mic-QT for gimp... But I can't even figure out how to update it. It's always the same thing, months away from the "where the f do I put this file???" googling and carousel with the plugin files etc. and I forget everything.

I think I might be using a version from the Ubuntu repos, because the plugin file is in /usr/lib/, not ~/.config where I'd usually put... But then again, I have the G'Mic download file in my download folder from my previous attempt?? and where the hell does this .so.3 file go???

I am feeling like I have regressed into a jacquard-hating luddite peasant and want to kind of burn modern society down so that we can do without computers.

I'll put a link to your post for those who are experiencing problems, and an alternative file. May history condemn those who created programming.