After an extended hiatus I've begun tackling this project again, and completed the preliminary sketch
Enisti Raw Topo Sketch.png
It's certainly not perfect but I couldn't stand doing things by mouse and keyboard, so I've called it done and switched over onto my iPad. I'm doing something a bit differently this time which should hopefully make my work stream more efficient: I've installed a screen mirroring software called Astropad Project Blue. I use Inkscape vector software to compile the final piece, but really wanted to draw on my iPad instead of directly on the computer. This software allows me to use my iPad like a drawing tablet for Inkscape directly. This should save a huge amount of time if it works, since I won't need to edit raster files together and then convert them to SVG before re-importing etc etc.

You can see where the lakes will go, and I've shrunk them in size to be a bit more realistic. I think the geography will nicely play into the definition of the history of the nation, which was formerly three countries that united. The mountain ranges and flats should tell a nice story of why these original three formed the way they did.

Hopefully I'll be able to provide more frequent updates now I'm back on the scene with it!