Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
Nice one. I particularly like the way you did the forest edges south of Uikitrene, and the look of the deserts. I'm assuming you weren't responsible for the way the rivers branch?
Indeed. My client gave me a sketch. This was for someone's established campaign setting that was using his sketch for quite a while, so to me it's more important to capture it accurately to the original sketch for the nostalgic value than to try convince them their rivers are wrong. I mean... it has a blue and pink volcano so I'm assuming high geological accuracy isn't a major consideration...

That said, this client took note of me commenting on appreciating when people let me design their rivers and even asked me after this one was done, "What's a watershed?" so I have high hopes for the next time I work with him having improved rivers.

And thank you! I spent...... way too long on the desert and forests. Probably just as long as the volcano. T_T