Hey, I noticed no one had responded, and you were just starting out on procreate. This is a good map, especially for the first one n procreate. And without a pencil! I like the use of color (something I have yet to experiment with) and your placement of features. It is very believable. Now I realize it's been about a month since you posted, so I am not sure what all you have experimented with, but I know you mentioned layers. Use layers! As many as you want! There is a limit eventually, but once things are finished, you can combine layers (pinch the layers together or put them in a group then select the group and hit flatten. A really useful thing to put on separate layers are items and their shadows. I shadow my mountains by using the blend feature, which can be difficult to manage if you don't use a separate layer. So shadowing, textures, and such are all good things to put on different layers. Also, if you ever create a map for someone (i do commissions), you can scan and import their rough sketch on a separate layer so that you can get placement and coastlines as close to what they originally wanted, and then delete the layer later.

Another thing to touch on. I am sure the lines are hard without a pencil, but you can do a couple things to help. Increase you canvas size. I do this anyway to provide a better picture when they zoom in, but it also gives you more flexibility with your brushes. The more you can zoom in while working, the simpler those small lines are going to be.

There are a lot of benefits of using procreate, so I suggest you keep messing around with it. Also YouTube is a great way to find new features. Keep up the good work!