LOL @ the language filter going after Utagawa!
Had fun with this one. Made using my latest free brush set, Ishikawa.
I do not recommend laying this many western characters vertically, but I wanted to evoke some of the elements from Ishikawa’s original source and decided I was okay with it being a little illegible.
Few other bits: the location names were taken from various places and points of interest on Hokkaido. The font I used is a modified version of Bizmo (I added the arms on the I's and J's so it balanced a bit better) which was licensed from Envato Elements. The paper texture is from True Grit Texture Supply’s Infinite Pulp, and they’re also where I got Atomica, which gives me the print effects for the text. Water color effect was done with Kyle's Watercolor brushes (They're free from Adobe). The boar illustration in the key is from an 1857 woodblock print by Utagawa Yo****ora and is available for free on Deviant Art.
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
LOL @ the language filter going after Utagawa!
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
Wasn't Yosh!tora by any chance, was it?
Great map, we don't see enough Eastern styles of mapping here. Only nitpick I have is that the super sharp outer border and map key box kind of clash with the hand-drawn/inked look of the rest of it.
It was! Poor guy.
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
Agree with D's comment, but otherwise the map looks great! You continue to impress with the resources you create, and I think this set is a great addition to the selection. I really like the sublte colouring and brushwork on the coastlines too.
Thanks. I'm always trying something different. Most of the time, I try to replicate the coloration styles from historical maps. (Which was generally pretty lazy.) This time I wanted something cleaner, more evocative than historically accurate.
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement