Posting an update on my map as I've finally got a first draft of the whole world map! Very happy with how this looks so far, which is good since I've spent probably hundreds of hours over the better part of a year working on this, with almost 32,000 separate paths and almost 700,000 points in Illustrator. I'm honestly surprised my computer was able to handle it without totally crashing.


Now that I have a first draft I plan to go through every continent and make some small-to-medium adjustments to the coastlines and topography based on some issues I've noticed as I work on it. In particular I'm not entirely satisfied with the northeastern continent- the subcontinent recently rifted off to the north looks awkwardly rectangular, and the peninsula to the northeast looks kind of weird too. I'm also weighing whether I should have a back-arc basin on the east coast rather than a high Andes-ish plateau; Nitro pointed out in a different thread that back-arc basins tend to form on the west-dipping subduction zones, and that would be a little more fun from a worldbuilding standpoint as well. On the other hand the oceanic crust subducting there is quite young as the mid-ocean ridge is approaching the subduction zone, and my understanding is that back-arc basins usually form when old, cold crust is being subducted. Not sure if any geology knowers here have thoughts on that.

Also any other comments, critiques and suggestions on topography and plate tectonics are welcome! Hoping to have this completely finalized before I move on to climates as going back and fixing things after will be a huge pain.