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Thread: Rheia: one final try at ground-up worldbuilding

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  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turambar View Post
    I believe there is a similar Discord like this called Weldholm (formerly associated with the mapnaking reddit). There are a lot of people doing this kind of mapping on there.
    I should have known that someone would have gotten there first! ;-) Do you happen to have a link for it? I wasn't able to find anything by searching Google or Reddit.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBragg View Post
    I'm currently chugging along with ExoPlaSim runs and can get a T42 resolution model (64 x 128 px) to converge in about 20 - 24 hours compute time; I'd be happy to give your world a go (for free!) if you're interested. There are definitely some systematic errors - my general thinking is that the best approach is to manually modify the temperature / precipitation outputs and then feed those into the tutorial here rather than rely solely on the climate maps generated from pure ExoPlaSim data - though I also think it offers the ability to capture effects we might not be able to immediately predict based on our N = 1 data point of earth.
    That would be amazing! I'll follow up via DM.

    Quote Originally Posted by WoodytheClimateGuy View Post
    It seems you got down the ocean currents, so that's great. I'm exciting and intrigued on how you will tackle the pressure zones and climates! Are you going to do it simple like the Pasta, or are you going to do it complex like the other worlds and like Earth?
    Man, why you gotta do me like that Woody? I had some nice, simple pressure and wind maps ready to go based on the Pasta tutorial, and this reminded me that they really are quite simple to the point of abstraction. Which maybe is fine for climates but I do enjoy getting into the finer details of things. Decided to go ahead and do a more detailed wind and pressure maps, which I'm attaching here. Maps are based on real-world data, plus the helpful suggestions in the Azelor and Pasta tutorials. Definitely welcome any feedback on these, as a good amount of guesswork was involved for figuring out the locations of pressure zones, the ICTZ, wind direction, etc. Not too worried about the polar areas since that's all just going to be very cold anyway, but as always with this sort of thing the subtropics are where things get complicated...

    Rheia_january_pressure.png Rheia_july_pressure.png

  2. #2
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    Nice dude. So, how did figure out how the pressure zones worked? Like, how did you figure out the locations and strengths of them?

  3. #3
    Guild Adept Turambar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiluchi View Post
    I should have known that someone would have gotten there first! ;-) Do you happen to have a link for it? I wasn't able to find anything by searching Google or Reddit.
    Here you go. This link should last 7 days I think.

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodytheClimateGuy View Post
    Nice dude. So, how did figure out how the pressure zones worked? Like, how did you figure out the locations and strengths of them?
    Honestly it was mostly looking at the images of Earth's January and July pressure systems that Nikolai posted on the climate tutorial, along with the guidelines in the Pasta and Azelor tutorials. Since I'm pretty familiar with my world's topography at this point, I can guess at what seems to drive high and low pressure systems, and go with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by WoodytheClimateGuy View Post
    One question here. How did you move the mid-ocean ridges for the new oceanic plate? Do they have their own plate ID, or are they Half-Stage Rotations?
    Yup, half-stage rotations, I think I just used the technique that's in the Pasta GPlates tutorial. The mid-ocean ridges were easy, what was a pain in the behind were the flowlines, which seem to shift away from their initial positions at random with no rhyme or reason. Annoyingly enough still necessary for guiding plate motion and figuring out ocean crust, but I'm glad not to have to repeat that again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turambar View Post
    Here you go. This link should last 7 days I think.
    Thanks Turambar! Just joined, looks like a great community.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiluchi View Post
    Yup, half-stage rotations, I think I just used the technique that's in the Pasta GPlates tutorial. The mid-ocean ridges were easy, what was a pain in the behind were the flowlines, which seem to shift away from their initial positions at random with no rhyme or reason. Annoyingly enough still necessary for guiding plate motion and figuring out ocean crust, but I'm glad not to have to repeat that again.
    If it's a half-stage rotation, then what the two Plate IDs that control the rotation?

    In addition, how do you import your mountains into Wilbur (which I'm assuming is the reason why they're so detailed)? I use Adobe Illustrator to make my mountains, so is there a method to this?

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
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    Steaming right along, I've got first drafts of the temperature maps for January and July, mostly based on the Azelor tutorial. The Pasta tutorial mostly uses input from ClimaSim (or in later iterations ExoPlaSim), which as has been discussed here and on other threads seems to get some important things wrong with regards to temperature, particularly on large continents and in polar regions. MrBragg has kindly agreed to run my maps through ExoPlaSim however (thanks again mate!), so it will be interesting to see how the outputs compare. I figure the final maps I input into the Gimp script will be some combination of the map done by hand and whatever ExoPlaSim spits out.

    Attaching here the temperature maps for January and July, as well as the temperature zones à la the Azelor tutorial in case that's useful. Also attaching a greyscale image for MrBragg as apparently sending images over DM is difficult...


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiluchi View Post
    Steaming right along, I've got first drafts of the temperature maps for January and July, mostly based on the Azelor tutorial. The Pasta tutorial mostly uses input from ClimaSim (or in later iterations ExoPlaSim), which as has been discussed here and on other threads seems to get some important things wrong with regards to temperature, particularly on large continents and in polar regions. MrBragg has kindly agreed to run my maps through ExoPlaSim however (thanks again mate!), so it will be interesting to see how the outputs compare. I figure the final maps I input into the Gimp script will be some combination of the map done by hand and whatever ExoPlaSim spits out.

    Attaching here the temperature maps for January and July, as well as the temperature zones à la the Azelor tutorial in case that's useful. Also attaching a greyscale image for MrBragg as apparently sending images over DM is difficult...

    I have a question here; what is your method of making the temperatures? What is your process? I'm have a really hard time understanding Azelor's tutorial.

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