Steaming right along, I've got first drafts of the temperature maps for January and July, mostly based on the Azelor tutorial. The Pasta tutorial mostly uses input from ClimaSim (or in later iterations ExoPlaSim), which as has been discussed here and on other threads seems to get some important things wrong with regards to temperature, particularly on large continents and in polar regions. MrBragg has kindly agreed to run my maps through ExoPlaSim however (thanks again mate!), so it will be interesting to see how the outputs compare. I figure the final maps I input into the Gimp script will be some combination of the map done by hand and whatever ExoPlaSim spits out.

Attaching here the temperature maps for January and July, as well as the temperature zones à la the Azelor tutorial in case that's useful. Also attaching a greyscale image for MrBragg as apparently sending images over DM is difficult...
