Hello! New update people! This time, we have the GIF for Earth-96639 from the year, 200 Ma, to now, 60Ma.


And because the GIF was compressed like hell, here is a 60Ma image of the world.


And as from the image here, you can see the number of changes which are seen on the map.

The split of North America allowed Laramidia to continue on as it would if it was attached to North America, and for Laurentia to collide with Eurasia. And with Laramidia technically collided to Eurasia, and with India eventually colliding to Eurasia, it will end up expanding the glorious supercontinent of Nova Laurasia! Also, Yucatan Island.

Africa's movement ended up changing and slowing its plate movement so much that India ended up as close to Eurasia as Northern Arabia is.

Antarctica seems to be going with Australia and its movement.
Zealandia's northern and southern parts end up splitting apart more like a continental piece, with the micro-oceanic plate of Java splitting from both.

Seems like Adriata seems to finally break off from Africa, specifically at 90Ma, and with slightly more land, and that might even change too!

There might be a break-up of South America and East Africa based on the line, but who knows?

Stay tuned for more updates!