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Thread: New campaign map

  1. #1

    Wip New campaign map

    For a solo game of Worlds Without Number, I wanted a map covering 5 kingdoms in 6 terrain types (incl scattered islands). I'm not even sure what scale this should represent. Still large empty areas that will just be filled in as needed. As you can tell, it's a mashup of several tutorials but it does the job of helping me remember where everything happens. Nevertheless, hints, tips and criticism welcomed.

  2. #2


    I thought the lettering was really an eyesore, so I did it again after reading up on how it should be done. I think this is better though I realised afterwards I hadn't ticked antialiasing. And probably the type has too much contrast, making some strokes too weak. Also, making geographical features and political borders nearly coincide makes for awkward placement of their respective names. Anyway, here is an updated version.

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