Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Next I have the introduction into Thunder Rock City that I would love some playtest feedback on too.

Attachment 136081

For this free module, the map and the quest module head here.

Contents - Quest Module. Thunder Rock entry. +Map +NPCS

A 6-page PDF detailing an introduction Quest Module that is a good way to get into the city of Thunder Rock
The Adventure, get to Tardas Arena which is hosting a once in a decade event.
NPCs for the module, plus optional paths, plus some hints at factions
This module is free and is just a taste of Thunder Rock.

The party's goal is to find a way to safely get across the Sabu River to reach the other side and enter the Tardas Arena’s once in a decade event.

If they miss their chance, this event won’t take place again for another ten years. Unfortunately, they are stuck on the wrong side in the Grand Reach District.

Reason for Tardais District lockdown:
The murder of Jot'Hari has caused political tensions and instability within Thunder Rock. Jot'Hari was a prominent and influential figure in the Taint Breakers faction, and his death has left a power vacuum.

Rival factions and individuals seek to exploit this situation for their gain, and the authorities fear that allowing movement between districts could lead to further violence and potential retaliation.
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