That should have warned Eerik. But he was so glad to find a crew, he didn’t think further.

So Eerik sailed up north with his fresh hired longship. He showed the place where he wanted to land on the paper map and captain Gunnar lead his boat toward the fjord. The oldest one of the crew member was nervous as they navigated between the high mountains marking the entry of the fjord. He started to mumble warnings about shallows, monsters and hazardous winds. Or maybe was it prayers. The more they went on, the paler he get.

Suddenly, the old sailor shouted some really bad insults, jumped in the water and swam back to the open sea. Startled by his behavior, Eerik felt a bit worry. He looked forward into the fjord, where the old man was staring and saw some wave coming toward the boat. As it approached, the wave grew bigger, foam formed after it but as it was about to reach the boat, it disappeared.

- What the hell, started captain Gunnar who was stopped by a dreadful complaint behind them.

They all turned around and caught a last glimpse at the old sailor as he was dragged under the water by a giant mouth full of teeth.

- Giant sea snake, said captain Gunnar.
- We are so dead, replied a sailor.
- Take your harpoons, ordered captain Gunnar. Be ready to shoot and kill it.

Eerik flattened on the bottom of the boat as the three man waited for the monster to show, harpoons ready. But everything was quiet. The water was still like nothing happened.

- Maybe he had enough dinner, whispered a sailor.
- Or he is afraid of us, said the other one pointing his gun toward the water.
- That would be nice, wouldn’t it ? mocked captain Gunnar.

They kept staring, but nothing came out of the sea. Eerik didn’t felt reassured by the stillness, on the contrary, his fear grew as the minutes went by.

Unfortunately, he was right to be afraid. Emerging from under the boat, the giant sea snake jumped out of water grabbing the sailor that was bending over to look for the monster. One could say he found it. Instead of disappearing into the sea as he did on the first strike, the snake swallowed the man and headed for captain Gunnar. He threw his harpoon, but barely scratched the monster and made it angry for more blood and destruction. The snake dived across the boat, destroying it in a maelstrom of wood, water, foam, rage, body parts and flying gears.

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