Eerik grip some wooden board, closed his eyes and waited for his death. But nothing happened. The monster seemed fed enough with four people and vanished. The water was still again.

He paddled with both arms to reach the shore. According to the map, the treasure was nearby. He just needed to climb up that cliff. But the mountains around the fjord fell directly in the sea. No way up was at sight.
As the night started to fall, Eerik started to feel thirsty and hungry. He knew that staying in the fjord at night wouldn't be safe. First he would freeze to death. Then the sea snake may feel hungry again. He needed to exit the fjord as fast as possible to find the safety of another boat.

Eerik rowed toward the sea as fast as his arms allowed him. But as he was crossing the last edge of the cliff, a sudden wind rose, shaking his wooden barge. He was caught in a whirlwind, pinnning in an endless swirl. Eerik fought to keep his head up in the air, gripping the board as firmly as possible. He knew that releasing his grab would mean death.

After a timeless fight for his survival, the stream faded and Eerik passed out, too tired to struggle more. He handed his life to faith.

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