- I was wondering what I should do with you.
- I hope you didn't consider throwing me back to the sea.
- No, laughed the man, it was about keeping you on board and bring you back to Ei Missään or leaving you in a room in Suu.
- I will be glad to stay in Suu. If you don’t mind.

The captain nodded in agreement.

- Thank you for rescuing me, by the way. I would probably be dead if you hadn’t found me.
- My pleasure. We saw you drifting on some boards. Not far from Hasfven’s fjord. Wasn't hard to figure what happened to you.
- How so ?
- This fjord is well known by all salesmen in the North. No one would venture himself there.
- Why ?
- It's the only fjord around here with a sea monster. Your crew didn't warned you ?
- Some old crew member wasn’t so pleased, but he didn’t argue much. I guess they weren't from here. I recall thinking while boarding that they had some foreign accent.
- Anyway. You're a very lucky pal. Few people can say they survived Hasfven.
- Yeah ! Lucky me, sighted Eerik.
- You should rest now, advised Captain Lore. Even if you feel quite good, your body suffer from pain and injury. You will recover faster if you treat it well. We won’t board in Suu before a couple of hours.

Eerik thanked him again and found his way back to his bed. He wasn’t feeling as good as the captain thought and he felt asleep instantly. He didn’t wake up until they reached the harbor.

Captain Lore helped him to settle in Suu’s Inn. Eerik paid three days in advance for a small room with food and care for his injuries. As he was resting, he made two resolutions. First he won't try again to reach his goal by sea. He was not willing to play his chance card against the sea snake again. So he would have to find his way in the Northen Maze. And for that there was his seconde resolution : hiring a local guide, one born and raised in this Island.

Four days later, he was back on his feet and ready to resume the hunt for the treasure. His arm still hit a bit but wouldn’t stop him to walk.

He asked the innkeeper if she knows a guide able to lead him safely through the Maze.

- You’re lucky (for once, thought Eerik), Bjorn came back yesterday from a trip to Pohjoiseen Portti. You should find him south of the village. He own a barn. Tell him Sue sent you.

An innkeeper named Sue in a place called Suu, tough Eerik as he crossed the village, what a chance ? Maybe I am going too be lucky after all.

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