Salty wind hit Eerik’s face but he didn’t care, to amazed by the view. He always pictured fjords with mountains covered of trees dropping in the sea. Maybe some beach here and there. But all he could see were rocks, rocks and more rocks. No place for forests, beach or even bushes. It was wonderful and boring in the same time.

Eerik looked the sea down on the fjord and the mountains around. He couldn’t see a way further. The guide had brought them to a dead end.

- And now ? Do we plunge ? I think I recall there is a giant sea snake somewhere down there.
- Not in this fjord. And we use that path.

Bjorn waved on his left and Eerik discovered a really narrow path clung to the cliff. All he could say was :

- Oh !
- I hope you don’t have vertigo.
- No, but…. No.

Swallowing was suddenly hard to him. Vertigo or not, this was a very narrow track and with the wind blowing it could be quite perilous.

The mule went first not afraid at all, her four feet at ease on the small path. Eerik followed the mule without thinking because if he did he would be too afrdaid to move forward. He kept his left so tight he slightly shred his coat. He was focused with all his mind on the animal in front of him, not looking right or down or up. The wind was getting stronger but at least it blowed toward the cliff. Eerik was glad it was more an inconvenient than a threat.

As he reached the safety of the other side, he wondered why his guide hadn’t asked him about vertigo before going that way. But he didn’t say it loud, not wanting to upset his guide. It wouldn’t be clever because he was pretty sure he couldn’t find his way back to Suu by himself.

- How more days do you think until we reach our goal ? asked Eerik that night at campfire.
- 4 to 5 days.
- You can't be more specific ?
- It depends on weather. And weather is not really accurate.

Eerik managed to relaxe. He didn't like the way his guide talked to him. Or the fact he didn't asked about vertigo. Or that he let him walk through the shivering forest. But he imagined this is common behavior for someone leaving in a secluded wild village. He was looking for a rough, tough, guide and had found one. What was important was to reach the treasure.

- Have we met before ? asked Eerik as they unpack for the night.
- No.
- Sure ? Because you look somewhat familiar. But I can’t remember where I...
- I know I never met you before.
- How can you be so certain ?
- I wouldn't have forgot your way of behaving.
- What that mean ?
- Never mind.
- But...

Instead of answering, the guide lied on his blanket turning his back, marking the end of the conversation.

- But ! repeated Eerik, not happy with that end of the conversation.

He fell asleep wondering what his guide meant when he said he wouldn't have forgotten his behavior. As he, Eerik, would forget the guide’s behavior ?
Eerik woke up in a damp, foggy morning. If the previous days he was wondering how they didn't get lost in the maze of hills and valley and rocks. Now he was quite certain they were going to get finally lost in the mist. He couldn't see more than three steps away, only distinguishing the mule by her dark grey shape in the light gray lands cap.
Bjorn used the rope to link them together. He attached one extremity to the mule, then tied Eerik and himself at last.

- We are going through the mist ? worried Eerik.
- The mule has a safe foot, we can trust her to lead our way without any risk.
- How long will it last, this fog ?
- Maybe one hour, maybe four.
- Can't we wait ?
- We will be loosing time. And I remember you : you pay my time. But don’t worry : following the mule is safe. As you already know.

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