Wow, I really dropped off the map (no pun intended) here didn't I? Not because I stopped working on the map, although I've been traveling for work most of the year so I haven't had nearly as much time as I'd like to work on it. I've gotten to a point where I'm fairly happy with the climates and am find mostly moving on to other things before I get caught in an endless loop of second-guessing myself about complex natural processes. Currently working on putting together a decent shaded relief map of the world, as well as more general worldbuilding things like flora and fauna.

Anyway, Woody the map looks great! And broadly similar to the final-ish climate map I put together for my world, which I guess it reassuring that I'm not just totally off base with that. It does seem that you limited the extent of hot deserts even more than I did compared to what ExoPlaSim spit out, which of course I prefer since hot deserts are sort of a drag worldbuilding-wise. Was your work done based on the Azelor/Charerg/AzureWings tutorial here on CG or did you make some modifications?

Naima, it's a bit late now but I'd be happy for you to take a stab using your own methods! I think all the "raw" maps (elevation, etc.) should be on this thread, unless there's something else you'd need?

Posting here my final-ish climate map; will post my attempt at shaded relief whenever I've had a chance to progress further on it.
