Quote Originally Posted by KMAlexander View Post

That is one very COMPLEX river system. Impressive.
Thanks KM
Yeah, this one started life as a commission, and the client had a lot of specifics that they wanted, some of which I did not agree with, but I did my best to make it work out as much as possible.
Quote Originally Posted by Turambar View Post
I love the hand drawn topographic style mountains, it must have taken you a really long time.
Thanks Turambar Yeah, it was seriously labor intensive and took way too long.
Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
Fabulous map, J!
Thanks Chashio
You were helpful when I was working on this one.
Quote Originally Posted by l'Arpenteur View Post
Awesome map, it really shows how you were already dedicated!
hehe, thank you l'Arpenteur Yeah, i have always put a LOT of time into maps. Maybe a bit too much...
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Oh this is fantastic! I love the dramatic feel of the landscape. It's quite different from your current style I feel, but all the more interesting for that.
Thanks CP Yeah, it is very different. In some ways, I am glad it is not what I have to produce regularly, or I might shoot myself.