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Thread: First world map, looking for feedback

  1. #1

    Wip First world map, looking for feedback

    This is my first time posting something here in a long long time. I tried this a long time ago and loved it so I am back. You guys are all very impressive and I am looking for recommendations before I start adding titles, emblems, etc.

    monde entie smallr.jpg

    Thank you!!

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Nov 2016


    Hello! Good first one! My first one was not this good. It looked more like a Frankenstein than anything else. :p

    As for feedback... hmm. I would like to know what you are working on. Paper? Digital?

    I like your landmass shape, I like your trees. Your mountain line art is getting there, though I would suggest picking a color for each region's mountains that blends better. For instance, the brown for the mountains top left looks mismatched with the colors beneath it.
    Also the white outline of the coast distracts a bit.

    All in all, a solid start for this. Keep at it.

    I quickly did a mountain example:

    Mountain Example_1.jpeg
    Last edited by XCali; 11-27-2023 at 06:55 AM.

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    ~Matt 11v 28-30

  3. #3


    Overall I really like the style and texture of this! I concur with XCali's notes about the mountains and coasts.

    The only other thing I could add is that the ocean being a darker value near the coastline feels backwards, i'd expect it to be lighter as the depths became shallower rather than the other way around.

    Great work so far for a first effort, keep it up!

  4. #4


    I like the parchment feel of it, it triggers that whole big kid treasure map thing. And the white sandy coastline thinning into inlets and streams. But mostly the whole layout of the thing, it's so non symmetrical it makes your eyes explore. What would I add - a volcano, nautical compass, and pot of gold.

  5. #5
    Guild Member
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    Dec 2018
    Dingwall, Scotland


    I think it looks really good and as Dumont says, the textures are really nice. My only gripe is it feels more of a continent map rather than a world map, unless of course it's depicting "the known world" in a sort of pre-discovery age.

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