I started colouring, it is such a lengthy process. But it's time for an update.

The tundra is a harsh environment. But even harsher is the Sea Beyond Which There is Nothing, and the mountains in the north, called White Peaks. The sea is named after an incorrect assumption, but, of course, since druidism is a thing here, we have a civilization on this planet that is focused on spirituality rather than conquest. Exploration is done on foot, or boat, or donkey, or what have you, but we don't do have any sophisticated machinery here. Or do we?

Somewhere on the planet, baby flying saucers are nesting. Left here by a group of fellow space faring creatures of their own kind, they are growing up in their own way. Flying saucers are curious things, focused on exploration of the vast expanses of the galaxies, that are just too difficult to comprehend, so we're not even going to try. Part of this process is finding habitable planets to create new explorers on, leaving what you could call mechanical eggs. These robotic gizmos develop into new flying saucers over several decades.

But they don't just fly off into space one day, oh no. Space is very dangerous, you can't just explore it before developing proper structure. That is why, at some point, they are picked up by another flying saucer that has at least the ability to traverse the void. Their space adventure begins. If they are picked up by a mature or elder flying saucer, they quickly develop their space faring abilities, and within just a few more years may be ready to explore space on their own. If they're picked up by a juvenile flying saucer, that process may go a bit slower.

This is just the beginning, of course, and I'll tell you what happens next another time. But for now, let's just say the baby flying saucers need a lift off the planet. How do you signal to be picked up, since the ones who left you here decades ago are no longer around? Maybe it is a lucky coincidence that that the Solstice Well produces such a beacon of light. Or maybe this well wasn't built by any "druids of old" at all.

### Latest WIP ###

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