By Selden
Unfortunately, the maps seem to be somewhat low in contrast, so that makes them difficult for me to interpret the topography. I'd suggest making the boundaries darker, for example, and maybe use a bolder (perhaps sans-serif?) font. Perhaps some non-Martian coloration might be reasonable (to raise the contrast) in some regions.
You mean the boundaries of the topography levels? The palette is actually quite classic (non martian), but the lands are rising quickly to high altitudes in this area, hence the dominant orange/brown colors. As for the font, I want to keep something that could pass for late fourties or fifties.

By - JO -
The white line helps a lot ! It's beautiful work anyway !
Glad it helps ! And thanks again!

New test on a kingdom of my Eldoran world. This is the same style I used on an Elysium test map, but focused on a smaller region.