Quote Originally Posted by Mimine View Post
Been a long time, my friends, but I love the community as much as my first visit here.

I've graduated now and I have a great position as an archivist for a regional county municipality here in Quebec. It's a county like unit of government at the supralocal level. I manage archives and records for the RCM as well as a few towns around. I love my job! I bought my first house last year and we are now trying for a baby : things are doing great!

That also means I've had to put my creative side on pause for some time.

I was so excited, back in march, when I received a message from my old friend, who already commissioned a map two years ago (Vastania) for an online DND campaign while on COVID quarantine.

Take care my friends, and I hope life brings you kindness and beautiful moments <3

Janie (Mimine)

Beautiful work! So happy you could make the time to be creative!