Thank you! I think you're right that a red/black variant would look very cool. Maybe even a version with the border decorations in color, and the map in black-and-white?

The city over the cliff was for sure at least 50% of the work. But it's also where I got the most free range. The author wanted to be able to see the city, and aside from a few things like it being near the sea and there being a playground to the left, I could do basically whatever I wanted with it.

I feel you about the NDA thing. I've got commissioned maps that haven't seen the light of day since the authors haven't published yet. I'm used to it though -- it's how it goes. I do think once I started charging more, the maps I make are more likely to actually be published. I've also written to authors occasionally and gotten permission to add things to my portfolio.

Good luck with your Patreon! I've basically abandoned mine since most of my map-time is spent on commissions.