Thanks for posting the map. First of all its really good and I think would be happy as part of a brochure.
I particularly like the font style and the threshold of angle before the text is bent, curved or traces a line. Where its a few degrees off of flat its best to make it flat and you have done so. I like that and it makes it very readable.
The blue and black text is very readable but the pale green is less so. I think it might help with a bit more fade around the text to mask the background - just a couple more pixels. Then I think that text would be more readable.
I think the interstate shield icons need one or two extra pixels of black because the shape of them is not too clear without it.
Some items like some of the borders to reserves and some rivers seem exceptionally blocky to me. It could be that the data you have sourced it from lacks precision. Not sure if that's correct or could be fixed up a bit and if so I am not sure how you can do that but usually somebody on here knows QGis better.
And finally I would say that the order of the items on the map is pretty good but just needs a few small tweaks. You have rivers on the background which is good but where roads are orange on top is fine, the lettering for the rivers is on top of that. Also some of the text crosses like Wolf River and Wolf River Wildlife Area. I think best to have the text for items on layers next to the layer its referring to and to try as best as you can to keep text clear of items on other layers.
This looks like a road map so I think you have it correct that the roads and interstate shields are on the top layer. Not knowing the area, I am not sure if the black roads are more primary than the orange but I would have the largest roads on the top layer so that if black were the secondary roads then they get masked by orange ones.
I wouldn't always give this amount of critique esp for a new member but if your specifically asking then I will provide it.![]()