I certainly hope this update isn't as crappy as the last, because now I've finally made decent progress, having decided the final orbital parameters of Frodo (after some seemingly endless experimentation on ExoPlaSim). Using the updated values for insolation and year length, periapsis (summers) on Frodo are looking like this:


And apoapsis (winters) like this:


There's a subtle difference, with the land hotter during the summers and the oceans hotter during the winters.

And altogether, I very much like the updated Koppen map, which gives me plenty of Cfb (oceanic) climates on the east coast of the middle continent, where the story takes place, to balance the vast stretches of desert farther inland. It looks like the characters will have to transition directly from Cfb or Cfc to tundra (ET) climate as they travel towards the north pole. I suppose the rapid drop to frigid temperatures will be very brutal!


Here is an updated world map with a colour scheme that I particularly like:

World 2.png

And here is a zoomed in version of the globe, centered where the action takes place:

World 1.png

This time, I've taken care not to place carved mountains in the middle of deserts; also, I've used a different algorithm to create a mosaic of varying mountain patterns in an attempt to mimic mother nature. Would you consider this an improvement over the last?

Anyway, I've still got a long way to go before this one's complete!
